
On Thursday, I attended yet another tech-related MeetUp.
The location, Unperfekthaus, is interesting. It’s a space where you can meet and do (creative) projects. Attendees have to pay a flat fee for drinks, but the organizers don’t have to pay rent for the rooms.

The topic for the MeetUp was Reactive DDD—Transforming Digital Business with a talk by Vaughn Vernon.

I enjoyed learning about this topic, being new to software architecture. Hearing the experiences of someone with tons of experience as a professional developer fascinated me. I loved Mr. Vernon’s insights on object-oriented programming (message passing!) and his ideas about DDD (Domain-Driven Design).

The talk was densely packed with tons of insights. I got the impression that the speaker could have talked about this topic for hours and hours.

I would have liked some time after the talk for mingling. I realized that I like the social aspect of MeetUps.
It’s also useful to discuss the topic with others to gain another perspective.

Still, I enjoyed the experience and I even snagged a copy of Vaugh Vernon’s book Domain-Driven Design Distilled. Lucky me!

Further Reading